This is a bit more
of Moyo's "Dead Aid" redux...foreign aid comes in so many shapes
and flavors it is quite difficult to quantify on a purely economic/quantitative
basis. For example, you can't really quantify the economic effect of 15 million
mosquito nets for example. On the other end of the spectrum sometimes those
nets are used by fishermen instead...the best aspect that the author highlights
is the difficult of quantifying aid since so many of the variables are micro
(i.e., local) ones.
The third installment of an
expected 17 volumes of Hemingway's letters. Hemingway is one of my
favorite writers (along with Salter and Markham)
so this volume will automatically get added to my Amazon wish list.
Evidently Hemingway was not as stoic and guarded in his letters as he was
in his fiction.
From Germany to Mexico: How America’s source of immigrants has changed over a century
A fascinating look at the poor tired huddled masses that have come to the US from around the world over the past 100 years. Who knew that the largest immigrant population group in South Dakota is Ethiopia...and in PA is China.
For whatever reason I've been coming across a lot of Libya-Italy articles/literature.
Unfortunately, Scego's novel has yet to be translated into English.
BUT, I'm currently reading another Italian-Libyan author named Spina's
newly-ish translated The Confines of the Shadow
--a century long look at
life and colonization in Italy.

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