FAO Quotables

"But being right, even morally right, isn't everything. It is also important to be competent, to be consistent, and to be knowledgeable. It's important for your soldiers and diplomats to speak the language of the people you want to influence. It's important to understand the ethnic and tribal divisions of the place you hope to assist."
-Anne Applebaum

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pentagon Protesters of the Week the day after Osama Bin Laden was killed

NOTE:  For those who don't know,  every Monday morning the Pentagon allows only the biggest idiots best and brightest dissenters to post up on the grassy area by the Metro entrance escalators and display their signs. 

As I slouched my way up the Pentagon escalator this past Monday morning, my slight headache was overcome by the residual electricity still coursing through my veins from the night before.  Personally, I half-expected there to be a huge throng of hippie scum protesters out to rail against the killing of OBL, something to match the fervor with which the town of DC celebrated his death. 

To tell you the truth I may have been just the slightest bit hungover 'tired' from celebrating myself the night before at Black Squirrel on 18th St (in a complete aside, Black Squirrel has the best juiciest, most perfectly cooked hamburger that I have had in DC) with a group of about 8 veterans.  It was a memorable night during which we didn't pay for a drink all night as the other patrons in the bar wouldn't allow it.  Periodically we would raise our shot glass and remember someone who had made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, saying his or her name aloud; I said the name of Ronnie Winchester.   

Needless to say, as I stepped off the escalator, there was no throng of frenzied lunatics.  In fact, technically there were just two of them.  Here's why I say technically:

One was older gramma with close-cropped salt and pepper hair that probably drove a Prius with the entire back bumper filled with stickers.   She had a thousand yard xanax stare and a fixed robotic smile.  I am not sure she even knew where she was.  She held a rainbow flag with the word "peace" sewn to it.  

Then there was the other one.  This guy is a regular and an abosolute loon .  He was in his sixties and looked like he'd see 50 one Grateful Dead concert too many.  He wore an ill-fitting raggedy bright blue hobo cap and was holding the old and weathered "Christians dump the Jews..." sign.

I just shook my head, half-chuckling to myself and checked my facebook page as I walked into for another day in the PGON.


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